Success is never ending and failure is not final.
GATI offers an innovative learning platform where you will learn to be an entrepreneur by practicing it, interacting with experienced entrepreneurs, learning from available expertise, conversations with peers set on the same path and relevant guidance from mentors.

GATI will hone your skills, expand your thinking and strengthen your resolve to be an entrepreneur and lead India towards a better tomorrow.

The question is, are you ready to be one?

Global Action for Transforming India (GATI) led by Lead India Foundation has been helping early stage ventures since 2002. Leveraging on the experience and expertise, the social incubation program started in 2015. We select and nurture early-stage social ventures, helping them scale up to deliver sustained impact.

Large number of passionate people across the country, who are the chief functionaries of the nonprofits, supported by billions of dollars and searching for still more billions, are working tirelessly in the nonprofit or development sector to bring about sustainable social change. The innovative ideas, interest, impact, sustainability and scalability of the development sector work is hindered by a dearth of financial administration, professional management and leadership skills appropriate and achievable oriented for the Development Sector.

The acute shortage of qualified nonprofit leadershipand professional management talent in the development sector is not owing to non-availability of good talent, but is a structural issue. Addressing this issue requires the creation of an iconic institution that aims to build an entire ecosystem to facilitate the development of a cadre of professionals who are well prepared to take on Leadership and Management roles in the Development Sector social entrepreneurs. This eco-system would include:

Creating a unique body of knowledge which is derived from sustained and rigorous on ground research.
World class faculty and respected practitioners supported by a renowned nonprofit, working closely to develop the discipline and prepare students for the sector.
Bright, passionate students who are committed to driving social change.
Engaged and appreciative leadership in the sector who recruit and absorb our students.
Active Alumni network which leads to continuous engagement and knowledge generation.

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